
Please note when booking your appointment:

  • If no appointments are displayed, all dates are currently fully booked! (The calendar does not show any months and you cannot select any days)
    Just check back in a few days, we regularly post new dates

  • PrEP appointments (Pre-exposure prophylaxis) please arrange by phone or e-mail, not via the booking system!!! In the HIV/STI test consultation we cannot issue PrEP prescriptions or do the checks!!!
  • Appointments for testing for HIV and sexually transmitted infections can only be booked online
  • Please only 1 appointment per person! Each person who wants to come to the appointment must book a separate appointment.
  • A test for HIV can be done at the earliest 6 weeks after the risk.
  • A test for Chlamydia/Gonorrhea can be done at the earliest 2 to 3 weeks after the risk, for Syphilis 10 weeks after the risk.
  • If it is an emergency and urgent, please call us and we will see how we can help you as soon as possible.
  • For booking an appointment you have to enter a mail address and a first name or pseudonym. You can manage the data yourself and also delete it after your appointment. 
  • In addition to testing and counselling at the checkpoint, you can also take the s.a.m health submission test as an alternative. You can find more information here..
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